Mission and vision
Mission and vision
Mission and vision

Mission Statement:

CultivAid is an Israeli/international development organization, specializing in knowledge and technology transfer initiatives with a focus on the agricultural and water sectors. The organization emphasizes development of local professionals and an agricultural knowledge infrastructure for long-term sustainable development.

Our Vision:

CultivAid’s activities focus on developing a new generation of agricultural experts able to address the challenges of food security and promote agricultural led economic growth.

Agriculture’s central role in the economy, combined with its importance for food security and nutrition makes the sector a prominent focus of development initiatives. In order to be successful in all three aspects, agricultural interventions must be interlinked with climate change, nutrition, youth employment, gender, education, market development and implemented through a coordinated effort of multi-sectoral agents that together will be able to create a paradigm shift in the overall well-being of society.

Technological learning and innovation are essential for economic growth and development and are essential for long-term improvements in income and living standards. The process of knowledge and technology transfer must enable adaptation and application of the technology and be applied for the benefit of farmers and greater society. The process must include demonstrations, education and trainings while providing access to inputs and providing forward and backward market linkages. 

Technology transfer must enable a systematic approach that empowers farmers, and promotes diffusion of the knowledge and technology.

CultivAid emphasizes the need to develop a knowledge based infrastructure. Technology must be accompanied by professional development and enable government agencies, local NGOs and stakeholders to facilitate the transfer of technology. CultivAid stress the importance of hands on practical experience with on going trainings and development of local experts and wide ranging capacity building.

In order to support and guide local agronomists, experts and farmers and to achieve improved agricultural practices, higher yields, greater income and better nutrition, CultivAid aims to implement improved agro-technical methods and Israeli technology while developing a knowledge base to ensure sustainable long term development. Furthermore, CultivAid stresses the importance of proper management to accompany all interventions for successful implementations.